Klingelstreich beim Kapitalismus

activisim / installation

The COVID-19 pandemic is becoming the focal point of our time: the climate catastrophe is in full swing and the economy is hurtling towards a global recession like a meteorite. At the same time, inequality and economic and ecological exploitation are systematically undermining social participation and the general welfare orientation of politics. For the first time, however, the pandemic is creating space for a kind of global 'existentialist pause' - and we are seizing this opportunity to ask fundamental questions about the system.”

Peng! are taking this shrugging of the shoulders by politicians as the starting point for their latest subversive prank: as a fictitious Federal Office for Crisis Protection and Economic Aid, they have held talks with CEOs and other senior positions at 10 German companies and asked: What do the upper echelons of companies think about terms such as sufficiency economy, communitization, solidarity economy and post-growth economy? And how willing are companies to be more strongly regulated by the state?

For the International Summer Festival at Kampnagel, the KLINGELSTREICH BEIM KAPITALISM will be accessible as an installation. Visitors to the Avant-Garten festival can watch a documentary video about the action. Interviews with experts on the topic and parts of the conversations with the companies and their reactions to new economic stimulus packages, visionary new economic forms and the socialization of their company will be shown in a converted telephone booth.


concept / artistic direction                    
sound / music                         

PENG! Kollektiv
robin plenio



kampnagel hamburg

Klingelstreich beim Kapitalismus is a production by PENG! Kollektiv in coproduction with Kampnagel Hamburg

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