Hamburger Gitter

feature documentary 

170 investigators are working on hundreds of cases against militant demonstrators and people who took part in riots and looting. Harsh penalties have been demanded and imposed in over 40 cases so far. The state lost control in Hamburg in the summer of 2017 and is now trying to regain it.

The documentary focuses on the handling of the protests and the state's security policy. Freedom of assembly, freedom of movement and freedom of the press play just as big a role in the observations as the change in police strategies. Could basic rights be suspended during the protests? Are there actors and convictions in the judiciary and legislature that react differently to violent protests than in the past? Which methods of the "exceptional situation G20" in Hamburg could become the norm?

We investigated this by tracing the relevant events, talking to those affected on both sides and interviewing experts on the history of protests, fundamental rights, security policy and the overall political situation.



Marco Heinig, Steffen Maurer
Michael Zimmer, Stefan Maurer
Luise Burchard, Luca Vogel,
Robin Plenio
Marco Heinig, Luise Burchard



kino international berlin

screenings all over germany and europe
a production by leftvision e.V.

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