corporate unconscious

videowalk, augmented reality

“What if it just stops. For one second. All of it. A quick pause. Simply standing still
What if we all just line up in a queue. A unifying experience, our hearts going in sync. Our breaths aligning.”

Corporate Unconscious tells the story of Simul Entertainment GmbH. Between reality and fiction, a videowalk leads the individual viewers through a company tour that takes Carl Gustav Jung’s concept of synchronicity as a basis. 
This participatory experience offers a glimpse into Simul's experiments and findings, which remain lost to this day. As viewers progress through the walk, they are immersed in a world that blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction, challenging the perceptions of the world around them. 


concept / artistic direction                    
musical direction                                    
spatial audio              
3D modelling                                              
voice actor                 

diego muhr, robin plenio
lucas schlotfeld
hannah trusch
robin plenio
carmen kleykens-vidal
Nicolas Tracio Fuentes Wilson
diego muhr, robin plenio
todd harrop
lennart beese
João Carlos Pinto, Dorothea Koch, Nathaniel Ouzana, 
Alicia Reyes, Fiona Xue Ju, Irini Aravidou


hfmt hamburg

 corporate unconscious is a production by muhr/plenio and is supported by hfmt hamburg

© 2024 by robin plenio
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